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Job Description

Ms. Emma Lai
Section Chief


1. Coordinates and supervises university planning affairs
2. Implements and manages the projects related to university planning

Ms. Yu-Hsuan Huang


1. Implements the MOE funding program for private universities and colleges
2. Conducts affairs related to university institutional evaluation
3. Implements midterm university development plan
4. Compiles the data and statistics for TMU institutional and financial information disclosures
5. TMU contact person for Chinese Excellent Management Association

Ms. Yu-Han Lien 2014 1.Implements the funding program of Higher Education Sprout Project (expenditure control, follow-up of implementation progress, the Executive Committee)
2. Conducts affairs related to University System of Taipei
3. Contact person for Environmental, Health and Safety Policy of university planning section
4. Registers lifelong learning hours of civil servants
5. Conducts affairs related to self-evaluation

Ms. Yen-Chen Chiu


1. Implements the funding program of Higher Education Sprout Project
2. University Advisory Board Committee
3. Operates KPI affairs
4. Manages TMU Suggestion Box
5. Maintains honorary board
6. Website management
Ms. Chia-Rong Wu 


1. Secretary to General Consultant Ho
2. Organizes TMU annual retreat
3. Conducts affairs related to the Gender Equity Education Committee
4. Coordinates the notifications from Ministry of Education

Ms. Ching-Hua Fu


1. Secretary to Vice President Chu
2. Conducts affairs related to the Gender Equity Education Committee
3. Compiles data and statistics for college and university regular surveys , and Compiles data for the MOE University Affairs Database
4. Contact person for internal control of university planning section